Jordan Stout


Jordan is a dynamic and results-driven software engineer with over a decade and a half of extensive experience in developing and leading successful teams to deliver impactful technology solutions. He is adept at recruiting, mentoring, and managing cross-functional teams of diverse backgrounds, including engineers, designers, business intelligence experts, and data scientists. He is recognized for his exceptional problem-solving skills and consistently drives innovation and process optimization to enhance efficiencies and maximize profitability. With a strong technical acumen and the ability to articulate a clear vision, he is a proven leader in delivering world-class software applications. As an avid coder and lifelong learner, Stout is deeply passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques, often indulging in late-night coding sessions to continuously expand his skillset and knowledge base.


Node.jsTypeScriptJavaScriptNest.jsExpressFastifyPython*C++*C#*ReactNext.jsRemixSolidJSVueSvelteAstroTailwindCSSMongoDBPostgreSQLMySQLRedisBigQueryRedshiftLookerGithub ActionsGitlabCircleCIJenkinsTravisCIjestPuppeteerRunAppEngineAPI GatewayFunctionsTasksPub/SubStorageFunctionsFargateEC2Route53S3KubernetesTerraformCloudFormationPulumiServerlessCDKAnsiblePuppetMonorepo ToolingA/B TestingFeature Flag TestingBlue/Green DeploymentsGoogle AnalyticsPostHogScrumKanbanSurfing



2019 - Present

San Diego, CA

  • Created, designed, and developed e-commerce brand which has sold customizable art to over 200K customers
  • Designed & developed GraphQL based E-Commerce API gateway using Node.js (Typescript) on Nest.js, MongoDB, Redis, React (Next.js)
  • Event-driven and TCP based micro-services using Node.js TypeScript using Fastify, CQRS, and messaging (using CloudTasks and Pub/Sub) - including but not limited to: Chromium based image generation, electron based desktop app for printing image files, DIY analytics & a/b testing suite, automatic marketing creative generator, etc
  • Hired team of full-stack & front-end engineers to focus on growth & A/B testing and revenue optimization

CTO @ DapperToast

2015 - 2019

San Diego, CA

  • Focused on system stability and load time optimization for serving 10-30K concurrent users at any given time
  • Designed & developed CMS based on a Node.js (TypeScript) GraphQL API and React
  • Brought hosting costs down from $14K a month to below $1K
  • Hired & managed team of full-stack engineers to focus on A/B testing layouts
  • Built ad stack to optimize high paying fill-rates with ad-sense fallbacks
  • Maintained infrastructure & dev-ops roles personally
  • Created headline A/B testing tools to increase page engagement

Lead Engineer @ Zeeto

2011 - 2015

San Diego, CA

  • First engineer employee as a Lead Developer to maintain job listing website
  • Developed Good Enough Recommendation (GER) engine POC for to generate leads for additional source of revenue based on visitor's interests
  • Started on PHP & MySQL, then transitioned into Python for data modeling & node.js for user facing websites
  • Hired and managed roughly 30 developers, designers, dev-ops, and data science engineers
  • Worked directly CEO, CMO, CRO and other executives
  • Developed landing page A/B testing proxy service that gave a 30% lift in revenue immediately
  • Implemented Scrum/Kanban, CI/CD using Github/Jenkins, EC2 with custom provisioning & deployment tools, etc
  • Focused on system uptime and latency to maintain up to 100K concurrent users at any given time

Developer @ Applus RTD

2009 - 2011

Bakersfield, CA

  • Developed custom GIS mapping software for Exxon & Chevron which mapped out pipeline x-ray inspections with GPS position, images, and field tech reports
  • Developed CMS for clients to log into and view pipeline inspection status giving them the ability to know when and welds we're checked and determine when they should be re-scanned with automatic field technician deployment

Developer @ Ugly Duck Marketing

2007 - 2009

Bakersfield, CA

  • Managed team of designers to create local business websites as contract work
  • Built restaurant delivery website like GrubHub, etc where customers can order food online for delivery
  • Restaurants would receive faxes with live call-fallback in real-time on order and customers would get notified of delivery states